Planning and Council land
Our Services
The team at Beck Legal understand the varied and unique environmental factors which influence planning decisions across municipalities and the intersections between the planning scheme and other legislative controls.
In delivering timely and effectively planning services, the team at Beck Legal always have a view to the bigger picture – “What is it Council or the government agency is trying to achieve?” and work closely with our clients to tailor our services to those objectives.
We regularly provide advice and representation to both metropolitan and regional Councils and state government agencies on range of planning matters, including with respect to:
- the statutory planning process;
- merits reviews and appeals;
- enforcement orders and prosecutions;
- planning scheme amendments and interpretation;
- compulsory acquisition of land;
- land exchanges, acquisitions and dispositions;
- road management;
- Crown land;
- contaminated land;
- Native Title; and
- preparation, review and lodgement of Section 173 Agreements.
The key starting point to any engagement before ensuring the correct answers are provided is ensuring the correct questions are being asked.
Matt Barkla, Beck Legal Tweet